Category: Management
Can you believe it? We've reached 1,000 members in our "little" community.
The sourcecode management is available now / Die Quellcode Verwaltung ist endlich verfügbar
socialhams wird ein Open Source Projekt / socialhams goes open source
Nach langer Vorbereitungszeit und einigen Tagen Arbeit am Update erstrahlt die Seite nun in neuem Glanz / After much preparation and a few days working on the update the website now has a new look and feel
In den nächsten Tagen wird das Seiten Update durchgeführt und Du kannst live dabei sein! Site update is going to be performed in the next days and you can watch the progress live!
The 2012 is over. Which is great! We need the 2013, because it should be a great year - a year of new developments, pivots, re-discoveries and good fun.
Whats going on behind the scenes of socialhams? Was tut sich hinter den Kulissen von socialhams?
Today the 200th member joined the real social network for ham radio operators
new functions and a helping hand!
100th member joins the real social network for ham radio operators.

The community with that certain extra

  • 01
    APRS Caching

    Geocaching of a different kind

  • 02
    Online Logbuch

    Manage you QSO's directly on socialhams and share it with your friends

  • 03
    DX Cluster

    Use the worlds first HTML5 based cluster on your mobile device too

  • 04
    Elmer's Corner

    Become an Elmer today and share your knowledge with interested parties