Tag: socialhams
We are listed on DXZone, please give us a rating for getting top ranked at DXZone.
We have launched our APRS Caching project. There are a few caches available already that you can find on socialhams. / Wir haben unser APRS Caching Projekt veröffentlicht. Es gibt bereits einige Caches die auf socialhams gefunden werden können.
APRSCaching - the new experience in GeoCaching
We have just finished setting up SSL encryption
I have drawn the winner of socialhams raffle
I am pleased to announce a bigger update of the whole socialhams platform.
After a very long period of silence I am proud to announce that the new DXCluster module is ready for testing. / Nach einer sehr langen Zeit der Ruhe bin ich stolz euch mitteilen zu können, dass das neue DXCluster Modul zum testen bereit ist.
socialhams wird ein Open Source Projekt / socialhams goes open source
Nach langer Vorbereitungszeit und einigen Tagen Arbeit am Update erstrahlt die Seite nun in neuem Glanz / After much preparation and a few days working on the update the website now has a new look and feel
New iOS App is available!

The community with that certain extra

  • 01
    APRS Caching

    Geocaching of a different kind

  • 02
    Online Logbuch

    Manage you QSO's directly on socialhams and share it with your friends

  • 03
    DX Cluster

    Use the worlds first HTML5 based cluster on your mobile device too

  • 04
    Elmer's Corner

    Become an Elmer today and share your knowledge with interested parties