Browse Tutorials By Tag: dxing
DXing is a process of searching, listening and operating far ham radio stations. These are the radio stations that are far away, making it hard for a DXer (a person who does Dxing) to find and operate such a station.
Categories: Beginners 
19.05.2016 · From OE8APR
Today, we will take you through an overview of Amateur radio activities so that you can get a deeper idea about this radio, its functioning, and more. Before we move ahead, let us first take you back with an overview of this radio.
Categories: Beginners 
08.05.2016 · From OE8APR

The community with that certain extra

  • 01
    APRS Caching

    Geocaching of a different kind

  • 02
    Online Logbuch

    Manage you QSO's directly on socialhams and share it with your friends

  • 03
    DX Cluster

    Use the worlds first HTML5 based cluster on your mobile device too

  • 04
    Elmer's Corner

    Become an Elmer today and share your knowledge with interested parties