Tag: internet
So it was with my first "real" computer, my Mac Plus, when I decided to bring it forward three decades
Exactly twenty years ago, a document was published that played a huge role in establishing the web as we know it today.
Contiki is a lightweight open source operating system designed for the 'Internet of Things': Networked, low-power embedded devices.
Zensur und Überwachung haben den Traum freier Kommunikation im Netz zerstört. Deshalb basteln Hacker inzwischen an einer eigenen, abgespeckten Version des Internets.
Irgendwann mitten im Gespräch, ganz beiläufig, erwähnt Peter Glasmacher, dass er das Internet mitentwickelt hat. Mitte der Achtziger war das, als er noch Student in Stanford war.

The community with that certain extra

  • 01
    APRS Caching

    Geocaching of a different kind

  • 02
    Online Logbuch

    Manage you QSO's directly on socialhams and share it with your friends

  • 03
    DX Cluster

    Use the worlds first HTML5 based cluster on your mobile device too

  • 04
    Elmer's Corner

    Become an Elmer today and share your knowledge with interested parties